Saturday, April 14, 2007

Koby is a year old

There are many things that we can be grateful to God for, and this week as Koby turned a year old - Anne and I thanked God for a list of things. This was no short simple list- it started from me being able to celebrate this occasion with the family, the joy that Koby brings us every day and the support we have from our parents and siblings that we are so crippled without!
Koby was oblivious to the fact that there was a whole lot of fuss being made about him. He just enjoyed the attention that he was given with his usual two tooth grin.
We started his birthday celebrations in church on Easter day. Annes parents were here and Cherry as well. Tripti and Santosh were in Manipal on Sunday as Santosh finished and passed his final exams.
Koby went up during the birthday announcement - but was fast asleep and Anne received his card for him. We had a special lunch after that - Koby was dressed for the occasion in a juba and dothi.
We had another cake and party when Tripti and Santosh got back on Wednesday. Koby was thrilled by his red car cake and ate a fair amount of it.
Our little boy is growing up fast. God has been just so good in our lives and Koby is the best example.