Things moved at a furious pace today. I was suddenly called in for my Gallium scan, as the radioactive stuff was shipped in from Amersham (U.K) and ready. The injection of Gallium was over in a few minutes, after which I went down to radiology for a CT scan of my chest. The CT confirmed that the tumour has reduced even more in size compared to the 6 weeks CT, but the residual masses/nodes in my chest may be just scar tissue. That is where the Gallium will tell us if it is active or dead tumour. Active tumour will pick up Gallium and show up on the images I take over the next 3 days.
The down side to having gallium flowing in my body is that since it’s radioactive. I have to maintain a 3 meter distance from Anne, since she’s expecting. What a shame! That means I sleep with Appa today and for the next 3 days!
I have been tagged by Ghost particle, to post a picture of my favorite mug. I’ll post my juice glass, which Amma (Anne) gave me to help reach my 5 lire fluid quota! My trusted Chemo companion!
Tomorrow Cherry comes for a 3 day visit. That I am really looking forward to! Anne’s brother Cherry is an incredible bundle of energy and we always enjoy his visits.
Hi Tarun,
Sad to hear that you have to stay away from Anne. Thanks for sharing the photos -i had meant to comment on this earlier - but one thing i noticed from the photos that you share with the rest of us were all the smiles. It is nice to see that your friends and family have created a loving, happy environment for you. And that they are still able to smile even during the tough times.
Hi Tarun! Thanx for the post buddy!Nice mug-shot!
I hope you're okay and everything, just dont turn into Spiderman or Hulk! But hey, thats a good thing, you can help more people!
I've updated the 2050blog with some medical blogs from Malaysia. Theyre very nice and very well known over this past of the world. Maybe you cna have a look at them...there are stories of people whose fighting with ailments too. Hope you can connect with them.
The id is:
HUgs and thanx!
The times which are hard are created many a times the stronger we are in our lord the more tactful we will be in over coming .You yourself is a medical personnel so no emmotions here anne is meant for you she will be there with you ok no worries .our pryares are with you .My colleagues and my friends all know you tarun when ever i find time i read your blogs so nice i know your whole family . Good to know such people . you will be perfectly fine .
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